Trump administration plans to cut 80,000 employees from Veterans Affairs, according to internal memo

Trump administration plans to cut 80,000 employees from Veterans Affairs, according to internal memo

119th Congress: must-pass legislation vs. GOP’s high priority legislation

119th Congress: must-pass legislation vs. GOP’s high priority legislation

Your Vote Counts: Oklahoma State Senate New Leader, Legislature & Mental Health Lawsuit Settlement

Your Vote Counts: Oklahoma State Senate New Leader, Legislature & Mental Health Lawsuit Settlement

Your Vote Counts: Oklahoma State Senate New Leader, Legislature & Mental Health Lawsuit Settlement

Your Vote Counts: Oklahoma State Senate New Leader, Legislature & Mental Health Lawsuit Settlement

Payments To Fired Architect Of The Capitol To Be Garnished

Payments To Fired Architect Of The Capitol To Be Garnished

By 51-50 Margin, Senate Votes To Begin Debate On Inflation Reduction Act

By 51-50 Margin, Senate Votes To Begin Debate On Inflation Reduction Act

Trump Plan Promises Huge Tax Cuts, But Big Questions Remain

Trump Plan Promises Huge Tax Cuts, But Big Questions Remain

Trump Plans To Quickly Issue Executive Orders On Obamacare

Trump Plans To Quickly Issue Executive Orders On Obamacare

White House Likely To Request Support Personnel To Put Iraq Plan In Place

White House Likely To Request Support Personnel To Put Iraq Plan In Place

Governor's drug plan clear state Senate committee

Governor's drug plan clear state Senate committee

US Senator Don Nickles criticized for support of Bush's economic policies

US Senator Don Nickles criticized for support of Bush's economic policies